
Showing posts from 2007

Organizational Patterns of Agile Software Development

James o. Coplien and Niel B. Harrison Community of Trust It is essential that people in a ateam trust each other; otherwise, it will be difficult yo get anything done. Do things that explecity demonstrate trust. Managers, for example, should make it overtly obvious that they facilitate the achievement of organizational goals, rather than playing a central role to assert control over people. Take visible actions to give control over process. Both overtly ambitious schedules and overly generous schedules have their pains, either for the teams or for the customers Therefore: Reward teams for negotiating a schedule they can meet with financial bonuses [or at-risk compensation, or time off]. Keep two sets of schedules: One for the market and one for the team You cant wait until you have every last requirement to get started. Therefore: As soon as you have some confidence about project direction, start developing areas in which you have high confidence. Named Stable Bases It is important t...