To be or not to be - Hacked
After christmas I learned that we had a suspected break-in in one of our production sites. The incident occured just before christmas and I was dumb found to find out about it after the holidays and even more so when the incident had been closed with a non conclusive result. I don't know if it just me; because in my book the suspicion alone is a "stop the world operations event". You are not content with and you just don't leave it in an inconclusive state... The reason we suspected it was that /var and /root and /sbin was gone from one of the machines. Yes - there are more non obvious ways to hide you're doings but this did remove any potential traces and did cause some havoc. Althoug I must confess that I would expect more from any one capable of penetrating us; either in the capacity of destruction or the sutelty of their presence. After Christmas I learned that we had a suspected break-in in one of our production sites. The incident occurred just before C...