You can count on me

  1. You can count on me to have studied best practices
  2. You can count on me to have attended daily scrums
  3. You can count on me to have attended sprint planning meetings
  4. You can count on me to have attended sprint review meetings
  5. You can count on me to be prepared for all activities required to deliver a potentially shippable product
  6. You can count on me to present myself in a professional manner
  7. You can count on me to arrive at meetings at the designated time
  8. You can count on me to participate in the design meetings
  9. You can count on me to cooperate with the team goal during the sprint
  10. You can count on me to communicate
  11. You can count on me to be unafraid to question the actions of a fellow team member when I think an error might be made
  12. You can count on me to be able to accept information from a fellow member and admit that I was wrong
  13. You can count on me to have the courage to stick by my decision, even when a fellow member thinks I'm wrong
  14. You can count on me to be able to accept criticism from fellow members, product owners, managers and stakeholders.
Can I count on you to do the same?


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